
Swimming and lymphedema prevention

Those who don't know me I have been a Yoga teacher for 7 years, functional aging specialist for older adults and wellness coach.

Last year I was fighting with Breast Cancer during my treatments I was able to excersice, teach and do yoga on daily basis.

During all of it I became a Cancer excersice specialist to help people like me after treatments and surgeries.

After my surgery when they took all the lymphnodes out of my left arm, I was going to physical therapy , excersiced on a busu stretching, light weight lifting, dancing all on weekly basis.

I even went to a massage therapist weekly.

The outcome was great but I always had a nagging pain in that arm.

No matter what I tried so I decided to wear a compression sleeve wich helped a little.

But The pain was still there.

2 weeks ago I started swimming.

I started from 5 laps of the pool I ended up doing 30 to 40 laps a day.

First I had so much pain in the thoracic spine than cervical spine, shoulder blades, arm.

But after a week my arm stopped hurting.

We are the excersice specialist forgot about swimming.

I still do light weight lifting, Yoga stretches but with combination of swimming.

Daily if possible.

Today pain free completely.

Full range of motion in the surgical arm.

So to prevent lymphadima the best therapy is swimming.

Benefits of swimming:

  • keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body
  • builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness
  • helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs
  • tones muscles and builds strength
  • And more.....


Veronika Patton